
Mallula Limited., T/A Multiwipe whose registered office is at 43 Lion Meadow, Steeple Bumpstead, Essex. CB9 7BY are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. For the purposes of data protection legislation, we are the data controller and we will process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and national laws which relate to the processing of personal data. Please read the following practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

Website Links

Our Site may, may from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of third parties. Please note that if you follow a link to any of these websites, such websites will apply different terms to the collection and privacy of your personal data and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. When you leave our site, we encourage you to read the privacy notice/policy of every website you visit.


We may monitor and record communications with you, such as telephone communications and e-mails for the purpose of quality assurance, training, fraud prevention and compliance.

Automated Processes

We do not undertake automated decision making.

1. Website Visitors

We may collect and process personal data about you in the following circumstances:

1.1. When you complete any form on our website Site or App. This will include your name, email address and telephone number which is provided at the time of registering to use our Site or App, where you ask us to contact you about our goods or services, subscribe to our mailing list, or subscribe to any goods we may supply.

1.2 Whenever you provide verbal or written information to us when reporting a problem with our Site or App, whether making a complaint, an enquiry or contacting us for any other reason. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence

1.3 Details of your visits to our Site and our App including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, web blogs and other communication data, whether this is required for our own information or billing purposes or otherwise, and the resources that you access (see section 3.2 on Cookies below); and

1.4 Whenever you disclose your information to us, or we collect information from you in any other way, through our Site or App.

2. Data Collection

2.1 We may collect information about your device, including where available your Internet Protocol address, for reasons of fraud protection. We may also collect information about your device’s operating system and browser type, for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers. This is statistical data about our users’ browsing actions and patterns and does not identify any individual.

2.2 Our Site uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our Site. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Site and also allows us to improve our Site

2.3 Personal data may be used for our legitimate interests in order to:

2.4 provide you with information, or services that you requested from us.

2.5 allow you to participate in interactive features of our Site or App, when you choose to do so.

2.6 ensure that content from our Site or App is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device

2.7 improve our Site/App and services.

2.8 process and deal with any complaints or enquiries made by you

2.9 contact you for marketing purposes where you have signed up for these (see section 6 for further details)..

3. Customers

3.1 We will collect details such as name, address, telephone number and other contact details when you order goods from us either via our Site or App and we will use this information to process your order and comply with our contractual obligations, including to notify you of dispatch and delivery times of goods and to obtain feedback about the goods.

3.2 We may also collect information about you, your computer or device and your use of our website via automated methods. This information may include:

3.3 information about visits to our Site.

3.3 IP addresses, unique device identifiers or other information about your mobile device; and your spending habits.

3.4 In order to perform our contract with you, we may also need to share personal data with third parties such as payment providers, postal service organisations, survey provider services to assist in the delivery of goods you have ordered and obtain feedback about the goods.

3.5 We may also advertise your feedback on our website and marketing materials (subject to obtaining your prior consent where necessary).

3.6 We will retain your information as long as we require this to provide you with the goods or services ordered from us and for a period of five years afterwards. Where you have subscribed to receive marketing correspondence from us, we will keep your personal data for the period of time of the contract.

4. Personal Data Provisions

4.1 Where we need to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of the contract entered into with Mallula Ltd and you fail to provide the data when requested, we will not be able to perform the contract we have with you, the customer and accordingly we will be unable to provide the goods or services supplied by Mallula Ltd. In this case, your order will be cancelled with us, but we will notify you of this.

5. Marketing Policy

5.1 In addition to the uses described above, where you agree on our Site that you would like to receive marketing correspondence from us or subscribe to our mailing lists we may use your personal data for our legitimate interests in order to provide you with details about our goods and services. We may also provide you with goods and services provided by recommended third party providers, which we think may be of interest.

5.2 You have the right to opt-out of receiving the information detailed in section 5.1 at any time. To opt-out of receiving such information you can:

5.3 tick the relevant box situated in the form on which we collect your information.

5.4 clicking the unsubscribe button contained in any such communication received; or  email us at providing us with your name and contact details.

5.5 Where you have subscribed to receive marketing correspondence from us, we will keep personal data for as long as you have consented to receiving marketing from us. Where cancel your subscription or you unsubscribe from receiving marketing from us, we will stop marketing to you but please note that you may continue to receive emails from us until our systems are updated and you are removed from our marketing lists. Personal data on our system will be removed within 30 days once you have unsubscribed from receiving marketing for our legitimate business interests, however we will anonymise the data.


6.1 We will only use your personal data where the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

6.2 for performance of a contract we enter into with you.

6.3 where necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation we are subject to; and

6.4 for our legitimate interests (as described within this policy) where your interests and fundamental rights do not override these interests.


7.1 In addition to the third parties mentioned above, we may disclose your information to third parties for our legitimate interests as follows:

7.2 to staff members in order to facilitate the provision of goods or services to you.

7.3 to our affiliated entities to support internal administration.

7.4 IT software providers that host our website and store data on our behalf.

7.5 professional advisers including consultants, lawyers, bankers and insurers who provide us with consultancy, banking, legal, insurance and accounting services

· 7.6 HM Revenue and Customs, regulators and other authorities who require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances; and

· 7.7 to third parties which offer goods or services which we think may be of interest to you.

7.8 third parties who we may choose to sell, transfer or merge parts of our business or assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your personal data in the same way as set out in this privacy policy.

7.9 We may disclose personal data to the police, regulatory bodies, legal advisors or similar third parties where we are under a legal duty to disclose or share personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our website terms and conditions and other agreements; or to protect our rights, property, or safety of our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

7.10 We will not sell or distribute personal data to other organisations without your approval.


8.1 Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our Site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.

8.2 Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our Site; any transmission is at your own risk.

8.3 Information you provide to us is shared on our secure servers. We have implemented appropriate physical, technical and organisational measures designed to secure your information against accidental loss and unauthorised access, use, alteration or disclosure. In addition, we limit access to personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties that have a legitimate business need for such access.


9.1 It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if the personal data we hold about you changes.

9.2 Data protection legislation gives you the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances or withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data where this has been provided. You also have the right to access information held about you and for this to be provided in an intelligible form. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please send an email to

k. In certain circumstances we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee to comply with your request. You can also request the following

9.3 update or amend your personal data if you feel this is inaccurate or incorrect.

9.4 remove your personal data from our database entirely.

9.5 send you copies of your personal data in a commonly used format or transfer your information to another entity.

9.6 restrict the use of your personal data, outwith our terms of use.

9.7 We may request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and your right to access, and to provide you with the personal data that we hold about you or make your requested changes. Data protection legislation may allow or require us to refuse to provide you with access to some or all the personal data that we hold about you or to comply with any requests made in accordance with your rights referred to above. If we cannot provide you with access to your personal data, or process any other request we receive, we will inform you of the reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions.

9.8 Please send any requests relating to the above to our Data Lead at Mallula Ltd specifying your name and the action you would like us to undertake


Where you have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal data, you have the legal right to withdraw your consent under certain circumstances. To withdraw your consent, please contact us at


We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time, and any changes we make to our privacy policy will be posted on this page. Please check periodically for any updates. If we would like to use your previously collected personal data for different purposes than those we notified you about at the time of collection, we will provide you with notice and, where required by law, seek your consent, before using your personal data for a new or unrelated purpose. We may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where required by applicable law or regulation.


We have appointed a Data Lead to oversee compliance with this privacy policy. If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding this policy or how we use your personal data please contact our Data Lead This is in addition to your right to contact the Information Commissioners Office if you are unsatisfied with our response to any issues you raise at